Evet arkadaslar daha yeni maillerime bi bakim dedim, sok oldum sigamesden mail gelmis ve fm2005 in datasina benide eklemisler, yani kazanmisim yarismayi
ama nüfus kagidinda belcikali yazdindan bende belcika yazmistim foruma yani turk olmiyacam, ama ismim türk ismi Resit Polat dogum tarihi 2-10-1984 favori takimimda BESIKTAS
iste mail
Hi Resit
Did you ever dream of putting on the shirt of your favourite football team? Have
you ever thought about going into the world of virtual coaching? Well, today
just might be your lucky day!
Following on from your entry in our Football Manager 2005 Face in the Game
competition - I am delighted to tell you that you've won! You are going to be in
the game as a regenerated player or member of staff.
Football Manager 2005 is released November 5th 2005 on PC and Mac (dual format
disk), now is the time to tell your friends and family of your elevation to
super-star status. While your at it, we suggest you get in your pre-order by
visiting http://www.sigames.com/fm2005/.
We've released a demo this afternoon of the game, whilst you won't be able to
see yourself just yet it will give you a taster of things to come!
Good luck
Sports Interactive
Football Manager 2005 - Know the Score
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