Pro Evolution Soccer 4
Çıkış Tarihi: Kasım 2004 (tam anlamıyla kesin değil henüz)
Platform: PlayStation 2, PC, XBox
Winning Eleven 8
Çıkış Tarihi: Ağustos 2004
Platform: PlayStation 2
Winning Eleven 8 hakkında bilgiler... (PES4 içinde geçerli)
- 138 Klüb Takımı
- İspanya,İtalya,İngiltere,Almanya,Fransa ve Hollanda liglerinden lisanlı takımlar
- 200'de fazla takım (Klüb+Milli Takım)
- Master League için yeni özellikler (oyuncuların futbolu bırakması, gelişmesi vb.)
- Yeni Frikik stili (2 oyuncunun topun etrafında durması)
- Arapas ve Orta Keserken oyuncuların kontrolüne daha çok hakim olma...
- Yeni top kontrol teknikleri, çalımlar
- Yeni futbol kuralları
- Hakemler oyun içinde görülecek...
- Hava şartlarına ve saha koşullarına göre oyuncu formalarında değişiklik olucak (Kirli, ıslak)
- Lig ve Kupa adlarını Değiştirebilme Özelliği
Bu bilgiler tam anlamıyla kesin sayılmaz ama yüksel ihtimal olucaklar...
PES4 hakkında İngilizce Interwiev:
The following are all exerts from interviews held with Konami representatives who talk about Pro Evolution Soccer 4.
*Computer and Video Games Interview with Seabass:*
**So if the next version is most likely to be online on PC, does that mean you're unable to confirm that Pro Evolution Soccer 4 on PS2 will be online in Europe? People are obviously disappointed that PES3 has no online functions.**
Seabass: Sooner or later, we will go online. It's likely PC will be quicker, but that does not mean PES4 on PS2 won't be online. We experiment all the time and sooner or later we will go online.
FIFA is obviously your key competitor, and while those in the know seem to be in agreement that PES is a much better game, it seems all the good work Konami has achieved with PES over the last couple of years in Europe, in terms of catching up with FIFA, has been undone by not being online.
It's almost like you've handed the advantage back to FIFA, which is online on PS2 this year...
Seabass: Yes, I understand your point. But if you will allow me to say it, I don't believe FIFA's online is a good example of online play at all. Therefore when we go online with our games, we would like give you exactly the same experience of playing the game offline. That's why we didn't take the challenge this year as we did want to have a bad online adaptation.
**Is this something that's being actively worked on behind the scenes?**
Seabass: Yes it is; we've been working on it for more than a year now.
*PCZone Interview with Seabass:*
**Can we expect PES4 to have online compatibility?**
Seabass: I'd love to announce online for next year- and its coming closer. In fact, PES could be online on the PC before the PS2 version.
**Will PES4 have completely fully-licensed teams?**
Seabass: Yes, were hoping. We can tell you that it wont get worse! Were already acquiring more licenses for this game and the teams personal dream is to have PES fully-licensed. Its not the Research & Development side, but the political company side. The future is bright for us in that area.